Thai massage in Thane - Can Thai massage therapy help with weight loss?
It is a very common question among spa-goers. With the rise of social platforms and selfies, people started to care a lot about their appearances. Everyone likes to look young. But with age, our BMR (basic metabolism rate) decreases and we turn to become fat. Which is why aged people wish to lose weight. Apart from that person of all ages like to lose weight and appear as slim. Massage therapy releases a lot of energy as it involves a lot of boy movements. Simultaneously it creates many effects on one’s body that indirectly results in a significant weight loss. Let us see how? It helps to decrease cortisol hormone level Cortisol hormone releases when one is physically and mentally stressed. This cortisol hormone causes to grow one’s appetite and increase fat deposit in the abdomen. Exercising is the most effective method to reduce cortisol in the human body. Similarly, a Thai body massage is very helpful to lessen the amount of cortisol hormone which in turn effect in a cur...